Saturday 23 January 2010

Point And Click Coaching Review

This point and click coaching review has been set up to help you decide if the program is right for you.

When you enter you will immediately be taken to Lee’s login page where he will greet you and tell you all about the program. As well as the Free DVD Workshop you will get a free 14 day trial to his Point and Click Coaching with no obligation.

Once inside the program Lee has an introduction video, giving an overview of the workshop. Here he explains all about his way of doing things that is totally different to the so called guru’s in this field. Lee’s gives you a step by step guide that you can implement by looking over his shoulder in video tutorials. Within this whole program you will be given assignments to complete with all the resources you will ever need to get your business started.

Lee has split the workshop into eight sessions that are easy to follow.
Welcome to momentum
The massive monthly pay rise method
The 4 x profit method
Deep connection dynamics
Automatic traffic control
Affiliate army method
The internet automation plan
Video sales uncut

You will also be able to a view a lot of testimonials from the people who attended and paid as much as $997 to be there and hear the secret Q and A sessions that he held with the audience.

Having been to workshops in the past and I can tell you from watching this Free DVD that the audience were listening intently to his every word. There was plenty of audience participation and Lee openly welcomed questions to increase understanding. Lee is a master of his material and talks without a script. His ideas are easy to understand and full of information that no one else is giving. That is why I have written this point and click coaching review, so you get to hear from someone that’s taken the package.

You will not be disappointed. Lee delivers a master class. It takes a little time to work through, but once you’ve done it you’ll find yourself clicking away. I knew in a very short time that I must join this programme. It is the best business decision I have ever made. Make it yours and take your internet business to the next level.

I hope this point and click coaching review has been helpful. Here is to your success in the program.

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